Welcome to Kerala Council of Churches

The Kerala Council of Churches (KCC) is an ecumenical body comprising Churches in Kerala and Christian organizations. At present there are 18 churches in KCC. It is a constituent member of the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI). It is established on the principle that the Churches can fulfill their common task of witness and service best in fellowship with one another for the extension of the Kingdom of God.
The Council is the primary ecumenical expression in Kerala, which embraces, promotes and co-ordinates various forms of the church’s ministry to the society. As such, it brings together the Churches and other Christian organizations for mutual consultation, mutual assistance and cooperative action in all matters related to Christian endeavour.
- Seminar on social issues
- Awareness Programmes
- Inter faith and inter-denominational dialogue
- Ecumenical College students get-together
- Ecumenical Prayer Fellowship
- Ecumenical Carol Service
- Ecumenical Youth Assembly
- Charity to the very needy people
- Meaningful intervention during natural calamities
- Expanding Ecumenical joint pilgrimage units.